Monday, 27 May 2013

Running again

The human is getting me running again.  Had a good one on Saturday.   Was very hot so was a bit worried but I need not have worried.  We met her running buddy Theresa (I think she tolerates me rather than likes me) with her.  We started on a nice track through some fields and then into woods by a river. Had to go for a swim to cool down. I think they wanted to join me. After a miles we came to a road through a Small town. I heard them mention Gifford so I think that is where we were.  Then through some large gates with signs saying no dogs private etc. was a bit worried but suppose they know what they are doing.....  Carried on down some lovely wooded tracks  for a few miles. All very enjoyable turned round and came back. All good fun

Friday, 4 February 2011

Blown away to Oz

Been very busy over the last week. Last weekend they decided to go mountain biking (well railway line biking) which was great fun. I behaved very well. But they did go a bit quick and was well out of my comfort zone. Nearly had him off the bike twice though when he had me on the lead (think I must practice this). The next day I was expecting a recovery walk but oh no, no no no no no. She was obviously stressed about something (possibly the little person they keep talking about) and hauled my off for an hour and a half. Think we did about 10 miles. My legs were tired, my paws were tired I wanted a rest. But, did have good fun -there was a horse, numerous bikes, lots of runners but best of all DEER. Nearly managed to pull her over whilst in hot persuit of my lunch. Unfortunately she managed to keep hold of me. But I know where they went. Next time. On Tuesday I had a play date with my friend Angus and nearly caught a rabbit. Great day. On Wednesday they were very cross with me because I ate my dog walker's wages. (It did not taste very nice). I also ate her work ID badge. That was horrid. Today the other person in the house took me for a run very early in the morning - it was still dark. And, I missed playing with my friend Joe whom I meet when I go out with him. This afternoon it was very windy and we went out for a run and nearly got blown away. I was quite frightened and was glad when we got home. Am crossing my legs so I don't have to go out again today. Going back to bed now. Its been a hard week.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Berwick Cross Country Weekend

Did a run on Friday and was very well behaved.

Went down to berwick today as he was doing the cross country. She wasn't - not feeling 100% or so she says. Think she just couldn't be bothered. But better for me as I got a run. Her Pal came along too. Thought it was going to be good fun. Then ANOTHER DOG joined us. Harvey I think he was called. Very small. But could keep us so that was ok. Not good with his lead though. Kept tying her pal up. She was not pleased. Still once we got into the fields we were allowed off our leads. For some reason me and the little dog kept getting in her pals way and she kept nearly falling over us. She did not seem very happy and kept shouting at us. I thought we were having fun. Got Harvey very dirty though, he looked like a different dog by the time we got back. I was very tired but I don't think she and her pal were tired though - think they had to keep stopping too often. I think it is good training for them, but I am only a dog, what do I know. think if they wanted to work hard they should have done the race, but again I am only a dog and know nothing. They all disappeared afterwards into some building, think they had lunch. They were lucky I didn't even get a dog biscuit.

He seemed pleased at the end and has not moved off the sofa. He must have worked really hard, she has been beavering away all afternoon and I expect her pal has too. I have moved from my dog bed to the floor to the sofa and back and am now sleeping on the floor. Its a very hard life being a dog.

Can't wait for the next one!!!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Milly, Running Dog

A few people have commented to the folks that they miss my blog now she is not marathon training. To keep you all happy I have decided to set up my own blog. Asked the man to set it up for me as I am a dog and don't understand how to do it. But am not sure he does either.

She has started running again now the snow has abated. Now the snow. How much fun was that. What was particular fun was waiting until she was thigh deep in snow and then running off. Great fun. Don't think she thought so as was kept on the leash rather alot. Oh well.

Got a bit fed up of getting cold paws. Will be glad to have some sunny weather.

Our runs have been nice and short - don't think she is training for much. Which I enjoy. Not too tiring and dont get tired legs. Think I am getting a bit better with other runners. Saw one today - looked a bit dodgy if you ask me but I didn't bark, growl or try to eat him. He had a dog so played with him for a bit but the dodgy bloke and she looked a bit cross at having to stop running. Can't have it both ways.

Anyway back to sleep. now.


P.S. Have found a new occupation now they are back at work and I am home alone. Eating the kitchen. Great fun. Think he is very cross.